Welcome, my fellow faculty friends!

As a new faculty you might be feeling confused because higher education is such a different world from any other job!

If you’re anything like my clients, you

  • are surprised by the lack of oversight, 
  • aren’t sure how to fit research around teaching, and 
  • wonder if it’s even possible to get everything done without cloning yourself. 

I see you because I've been you!

Hi! I'm Kimberly!

I help overwhelmed, uncertain faculty figure out how to manage all. the. things. that faculty life requires.

On my first day as a full-time ASL-English interpreting faculty member…I sat at my desk uncertain of where to even start.

I didn’t have appointments on my schedule.

I wasn’t coordinating any projects.

No one gave me a task list.

I was on my own to figure out what I should be doing and how to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, my colleagues were supportive, the university had new faculty orientation events, and I had a schedule of classes to teach.

My previous education &  work experiences did not prepare me for this.

I tried a few things to figure out how to know what to do and then how to manage all of those to-dos.

I tried 

  • Attending training programs
  • asking fellow faculty, friends for mentoring
  • and searching the ol’ google machine for help. 

And … it didn’t work. 

It didn’t work because the training programs didn’t address my specific needs

It didn’t work because one-size-fits-all solutions don’t fit all! Advice to “Focus on your research over the summer” just didn’t work for me. I had 3 toddlers to look after during the summer months!

It didn’t work because those  google experts had no idea what it’s like to be a faculty member – especially one transitioning from a professional career!

What I needed was someone by my side to help me figure it all out.

I needed support

  • focused on my specific needs,

  • crafted to my unique circumstances, and

  • with insights from the faculty perspective.

I’m certain this can help you too!

As a Faculty Success Coach I,

  • hold dedicated 1-1 time just for you,

  • am committed to your success,

  • provide accountability and support to help you figure out what’s required and how to get there.

Here are some other fun things to know about me:

  • Even with a mason jar of chai – I’m still not a morning person.
  • I’ve been a paper and planner nerd since elementary school. If there’s a planner or project management software out there I’ve probably tried it. My current favorites are: the Full Focus Planner, Obsidian, and Smartsuite.
  • I love digging deeper into the faculty experience. I’ve spent over a decade researching how working and learning in higher education works – or doesn’t.
  • I have over 120 hours of higher ed focused coach training. I’m this close 🫰 to having my certification.
  • I survived the “life with toddler” years! YAY! Now, I’m in the “life with teens and young adult” years. It’s not for the faint of heart, folks.
  • Want to know the boring CV version of my career? Check that out here.

Wanna hang out with me?

Join my Newsletter or connect with me on BlueSky or LinkedIn or subscribe to my YouTube Channel.