Worried your CV is a little lean?

Drafts in limbo?

Stuck in a rut?

Not sure how to get the draft submission ready?

Sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes to get momentum again. 

I can help with your Developmental Editing needs!

Let's turn that set of notes into a submission!

Welcome to Essential Editing!


I’m Kimberly, your ally in academic publishing.

My mission?

My mission is to help you move from drafting to submitting so you can share your message and propel your career.

Imagine being able to:

  • Keep your publication pipeline flowing
  • Cut down on revision time
  • Boost your submission rate
  • focus on what to write instead of how to write it.
You can with my academic editing services.

Are you passionate about disseminating your scholarship but find the publishing process daunting?

With my Essential Editing for Academics services, I provide you with a blueprint for moving from draft to under review. 

This will help you get published and advance your career.

Learn more about Editing packages by clicking the title -->

A high-level review providing a 1-2 page report evaluating the key elements of your manuscript: argument, evidence, analysis, structure, style, and voice. Receive an overview to ensure your work is on the right track.

An Essential Manuscript Check for a journal article or chapter for an edited volume (~8K-10K words) includes:

  • a checklist style assessment with
  • essential commentary


My core developmental editing service. Receive a comprehensive 4-7 page Assessment and Revision Plan evaluating the strengths and areas for improvement in your manuscript’s argument, evidence, analysis, structure, style, and voice. Gain detailed recommendations and revision options to elevate your work.

An Essential Edit for a journal article or chapter for an edited volume (~8K-10K words) includes:

  • an assessment,
  • revision plan, and
  • zoom consultation


Get the full Essential Edit PLUS extensive in-text edits and revision suggestions in your manuscript. I use the comment and suggestion features so you can see exactly what I’ve done in your manuscript. You’re in full control of your final manuscript. After implementing the developmental edits, I also provide a final line-editing pass to polish your work before submission.

A Premium Editing Package for a journal article or chapter for an edited volume (~8K-10K words) includes:

  • an assessment,
  • revision plan,
  • in-text revision and editing suggestions,
  • zoom consultation, and
  • 2nd pass with line edits.


Get a fresh perspective on your reappointment materials from a seasoned faculty member with nearly two decades of experience. I’ll provide you with a video walkthrough of your materials, sharing my initial thoughts, questions, and suggestions as I go.

As a faculty member for over 15 years and having served on numerous annual evaluation committees at both the department and college levels, I have reviewed countless reappointment and promotion & tenure documents. I know exactly what committees are looking for and what raises red flags.

The *Reappointment Materials Quick Review* includes:

* A video review of your reappointment materials (up to 8 pages, 2000 words)
* Real-time feedback on what’s working well, what’s confusing, and what might need more explanation or be irrelevant
* Brief suggestions for improvement and clarity, based on my extensive experience


Ready to Get Started?

Step 1: share your interest

Let me know you’re interested. 

Send me an email or book a Questions with Kimberly zoom call.

We’ll discuss your project in more detail including: specific concerns you have with the manuscript, submission deadlines, and how we can work together. And I’ll answer any questions you have.

Step 2: Select a Package

Select the editing service you prefer.

I’ll send you an Editor-Author agreement that outlines our work together. It includes dates booked, the specific services I will provide, and my turnaround time.

Once you sign the agreement and pay a $50 non-refundable deposit, I’ll hold space on my calendar for your project.

Step 3: Send your Manuscript

Send me your complete draft (google docs or MS word). By complete draft, I mean that all the major parts and arguments are included. I don’t expect this to be a publication ready draft, that’s what I’m helping you achieve!

After I’ve completed the edit, I’ll send you a final invoice and a link to schedule your consultation.

Not sure Which Package is right for you?

Schedule a Questions with Kimberly Call to get all of your questions answered. No pushy sales, just a genuine conversation about your needs and my services.


You've got questions? I have answers!

The best way to know if we’re a good fit is to get an Essential Audit. From there you’ll know the kinds of things I review and how I provide feedback.

If we’re a good fit and you’d like to continue working together the price of the audit will be applied to the full editing package.

I can generally turn around an Audit within 3 business days. Other editing services take longer and I can usually fit you onto my calendar within a month.

Turn around time varies depending on your project.

I can complete your Essential Audit in about 3 business days.

The Essential Edit and the first round of review for the Premium package will take 1-2 weeks.

I’m happy to hold your spot on my calendar with a deposit for your editing package.

The Essential Audit does not include a meeting.

The Essential Edit includes 1 consultation.

The Premium Editing package includes 1 consultation, and addition asynchronous support if needed.

If you have any other questions, you can email me here.

When you book an editing package, I block time on my calendar to do the work.

If you miss your submission deadline, I may not be able to get to your project right away, depending on other projects that are lined up.

If you originally purchase a lower-tier editing package, the price you’ve paid can be applied toward a different editing package for the same project.

It can not be applied to a different project.

The Essential Audit is prepaid.

I require a $50 deposit for the Essential Edit and the Premium editing services.

The balance is due when the edit is complete.

Essential Editing Services to enhance your Argument, Evidence, Analysis, Structure, Style, & Voice.


Do you want to be my next success story?

Contact me if you’re ready to get started.