A group coaching program for early career faculty

Launch your Faculty Career with Confidence

Starting a new faculty position can feel like you’ve just been handed the keys to a spaceship and told to fly it.

Exciting? Absolutely.

Overwhelming? You bet.

Hey there! I’m Kimberly, and I totally get it.

I’m here to help you navigate this new space with confidence and ease.

Are You Feeling…

  • 😵‍💫 Like you’re drowning in a sea of syllabi and committee meetings?
  • 🕰️ That there aren’t enough hours in the day to grade papers, let alone start your research?
  • 🤔 Unsure about what’s really expected of you in your new role?
  • 🌪️ Caught in a whirlwind of uncertainty, trying to figure out how to “do” faculty life?

If you’re nodding your head so hard it might fall off, you’re in the right place!

Introducing: The Faculty Launch Program

This isn’t your typical, one-size-fits-all faculty development program. 

Nope, this is the early career support, tailored specifically for professionals-turned-faculty like you.

What's in it for you?

  • 🚀 Launch your faculty career with confidence and clarity
  • 😌 Feel calm and in control, even when faced with challenging situations
  • 🔍 Gain insider knowledge about how academia really works
  • 👥 Join a supportive community of like-minded professionals
  • ⚖️ Align your daily work with your personal values and priorities
  • 📊 Learn to manage multiple projects and competing demands effectively

What We'll Cover:

  • Career goal setting and planning
  • Effective time and project management
  • Building a support network
  • Navigating institutional culture
  • Work-life balance strategies
  • And much more!

The Program Includes:

  • 🚀 8 Group Coaching Calls: Because sometimes you need a cheerleader and a strategist rolled into one.
  • 📚 4 Exclusive Webinars: Packed with insider knowledge to help you navigate the academic maze.
  • 🎥 Pre-recorded Training Sessions: Learn at your own pace, in your PJs if you want to (we won’t judge).
  • ⏰ Weekly Office Hours: Got questions? I’ve got answers! Drop in and pick my brain.
  • 🎯 Weekly Goal Setting: Because breaking down big goals into bite-sized pieces is my superpower.
  • 👥 Co-working Sessions: Sometimes you just need to know you’re not alone in this journey.


Our Schedule

Why Choose the Faculty Launch Program

University Offerings

✅ LMS Training

✅ Generic teaching tips

✅ Basic time management advice

❌ Limited networking

Faculty Launch Program

✅ One-on-one coaching focused on YOUR career goals

✅ Support tailored to your specific duties and challenges

✅ Personalized productivity strategies that work for YOU

✅ Connections with peers across the US

Why You'll Love It

  • Tailored to You: No cookie-cutter advice here. We’ll craft systems and processes that work for YOUR unique situation.
  • Practical Strategies: Learn how to wrangle those competing priorities without losing your mind (or your weekends).
  • Community Support: Connect with other faculty who get what you’re going through.
  • Confidence Boost: Say goodbye to imposter syndrome and hello to clarity and purpose in your work.
  • Work-Life Balance: Yes, it’s possible! I’ll show you how to have a life outside of grading papers.

Who's Hosting This Program?

When I started my first full-time faculty position, I thought I knew what I was getting into. Spoiler alert: I didn’t. On my first day, I sat at my desk wondering what on earth I was supposed to be doing. Sound familiar?

I’m Dr. Kimberly Hale (but please, just call me Kimberly). I’ve not only survived but thrived, earning tenure and promotion to Associate Professor.

My secret? I stopped trying to fit into someone else’s idea of what a “good” faculty member should do. Instead, I created systems that worked for me, and now I’m here to help you do the same.

Ready to Launch your Faculty Career to success?

Don’t let another semester go by feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Join the Faculty Launch Program and start your academic journey with confidence, clarity, and a community that’s got your back.

Don't just take my word for the befits of joining. Here's what some of my clients have had to say about working with me!

Investment: $1300 for one transformative semester

Are you a faculty member with limited institutional funds?


Schedule a consultation or send me an email to learn about significant discounts for individuals without institutional support.


Limited Spots Available!

Don’t let another semester go by feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Join the Faculty Launch Program and start your academic journey with confidence, clarity, and a community that’s got your back.

P.S. Still on the fence? Remember, your future self will thank you for investing in your career now. Let’s make this your best academic year yet!


This program is designed for early-career faculty members, particularly those transitioning from professional careers to academia.

It’s ideal for those in their first few years of a faculty position who are looking to establish strong foundations for a successful academic career.

The program requires about 3-5 hours per week, including group coaching calls, webinars, and individual work.

However, the skills you’ll learn will save you much more time in the long run!

Don’t worry! All group coaching calls and webinars are recorded and made available to participants (barring any technical glitches).

You can catch up on your own time and still benefit from the content.

While institutional faculty development is valuable, it often focuses on one aspect of your position at a time, and isn’t individualized to your unique situation. 

Our program offers personalized coaching, a supportive community of peers from various institutions, and strategies tailored specifically to early-career faculty balancing teaching, research, service and life!

We don’t leave you along trying to figure out how to fit all of the pieces together.

We understand this concern!

The Faculty Launch Program is designed to help you work smarter, not harder. You’ll learn strategies to prioritize effectively, manage your time efficiently, and reduce stress – ultimately saving you time and energy.

Group Coaching Calls and Webinars are hosted on Fridays.

There will be one session in English and one session in ASL.

(Note: Exact schedule may be adjusted based on participant availability)

Coworking sessions hosted by Kimberly for Fall 2024 are:
Mondays 9:00 AM Central
Tuesdays 1:00 PM Central
Wednesdays 9:00 AM Central
Thursdays 1:00 PM Central

The coworking room is always open so participants are welcome to join any time.

Faculty Launch Program runs  August 23 – December 20, 2024.

My full terms and conditions can be found here.

Absolutely! Think of it as an investment in your career and well-being. The strategies you’ll learn can lead to increased productivity, better work-life balance, and enhanced career prospects – all of which are invaluable for your long-term success in academia.

Most of my clients use institutional professional development funds to work with me.

Many institutions have professional development funds available for faculty. We encourage you to speak with your department chair or dean about using these funds for the Faculty Launch Program.

We can provide a detailed program description to support your request if needed.