Transform Your Academic Life: From Overwhelm to Purposeful Productivity

Join the Success Circle and craft your unique path to faculty success – without sacrificing your nights and weekends

Does this sound Familiar?

You’re not alone. Many ambitious faculty members find themselves swirling in cycles of uncertainty and overwhelm while trying to juggle teaching, research, and personal life

Imagine a Different Reality...

It’s not just a dream. It’s the new reality for members of the Success Circle

πŸ‘‹ I'm Kimberly!

As a faculty success coach with over 15 years of experience, I’ve been where you are. I’m an ACC certified coach, a certified ASL-English interpreter, and I’ve navigated the tenure track successfully. I’ve served on reappointment committees, search committees, and been promoted to associate professor.

But more importantly, I’ve developed a system that helps faculty just like you craft a purposeful, productive academic life without burning out. And now, I’m thrilled to share this system with you in the Success Circle.

Introducing the Success Circle: Purposeful Productivity Pathway

A $9/month membership program designed specifically for ambitious faculty members who want to thrive in their academic careers without sacrificing their personal lives.

The Success Circle offers:

  • A structured, holistic approach to academic productivity
  • The proven PIE (Plan, Implement, Evaluate) method
  • Daily coworking sessions for accountability
  • A supportive peer community of like-minded academics

What's Included in your Membership

πŸ‘₯ Coworking Sessions

Stay focused and make consistent progress on your most important work

🍰 P.I.E. Productivity Framework

A clear, step-by-step system for planning, implementing, and evaluating your academic goals

🎯 Goal Setting & Tracking System

Turn aspirations into achievable milestones and stay on track

πŸ“± Private Community

Connect with peers, share experiences, and find support across different career stages

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Weekly Office Hours

Get personalized guidance from Dr. Hale without scheduling conflicts

⏲ 24/7 Virtual Coworking Space

Find motivation and peer support whenever inspiration strikes

By joining the Faculty Success Circle, you'll

🎯 Increase your focus and productivity

🎯 Achieve better work-life balance

🎯Make consistent progress on important projects

🎯 Reduce stress and overwhelm

🎯 Build a supportive peer network

Ultimately, you’ll create a thriving, balanced academic career that makes a meaningful impact in your field and in your life.

Why the Success Circle Works

Unlike generic productivity advice or one-size-fits-all systems, the Success Circle is tailored specifically for faculty members.

Our approach is:

  • Holistic: Addressing all aspects of academic life
  • Flexible: Adaptable to various career stages and disciplines
  • Sustainable: Focused on long-term success, not short-term burnout
  • Community-driven: Leveraging the power of peer support and accountability

With the Success Circle, you’re not just getting a productivity system – you’re joining a community of ambitious academics who understand your unique challenges and are committed to mutual success.

What Success Circle Members Are Saying

Why Start Your Productivity Journey Today?

Every day you wait is another day spent in the cycle of overwhelm. Here’s why joining the Success Circle now can transform your academic life:

  • Immediate Relief: Start applying the PIE method to your current projects and feel the stress melt away.
  • Compound Progress: The sooner you start, the more momentum you’ll build. Small daily wins add up to significant achievements.
  • Community Support: Dive into a network of like-minded academics who are on the same journey. Why struggle alone when you can thrive together?
  • Seasonal Alignment: Align your productivity habits with the academic calendar. Start now and be prepared for the upcoming semester.
  • Instant Access: Get immediate entry to all our resources, coworking sessions, and the 24/7 virtual space. Your future self will thank you for not waiting.

Remember, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. The same goes for cultivating your academic success.

What's Inside?

My Easy as P.I.E. System and more!

Faculty Productivity Easy as PIE cycle - Plan, Implement, Evaluate - repeats

πŸ“‹ PLAN: Start your week by mapping our your goals & priorities based on your values. This is where you decide what’s most important and set the stage for your week.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» IMPLEMENT: Join a supportive community to help you stick to your plan. We work together, hold each other accountable, and cheer each other on.

πŸ€” EVALUATE: Reflect on your progress, celebrate your wins, and adjust your plan as needed. It’s all about continues improvement and staying on track.

Β πŸ”Β  Repeat

Ready to Transform Your Academic Life?

Join the Success Circle Today

Monthly Membership: $9/month

Annual Membership: $108/year (get $20 Kimberly Credit)

What sets the Success Circle apart?

  • Created by a faculty member for faculty members
  • Holistic approach addressing all aspects of academic life
  • Flexible support adaptable to various career stages
  • Unique PIE method for sustainable productivity
  • Supportive community of peers who understand your challenges

Unlike generic productivity apps or overwhelming course platforms, the Success Circle is a focused, supportive environment designed specifically for your success in academia.

Is the Success Circle Right for You?

The Success Circle is perfect for:

πŸ‘‰ Early-career faculty working towards tenure

πŸ‘‰ Mid-career professors aiming for promotion

πŸ‘‰ Researchers juggling multiple projects and deadlines

πŸ‘‰ Educators passionate about balancing teaching excellence with research output

πŸ‘‰ Any academic feeling overwhelmed by competing priorities

If you’re ready to stop swirling and start thriving in your academic career, the Success Circle is for you.


The beauty of the Success Circle is its flexibility. You can participate in daily coworking sessions, or just once a week – it’s up to you. The PIE method is designed to integrate into your existing workflow, not add to it.

The Success Circle is specifically designed for academics by an experienced faculty member. It combines a proven method (PIE) with peer accountability and expert guidance – something no app or planner alone can provide.

I’m confident you’ll love the Faculty Success Circle, but if you’re not satisfied, you can email me for a refund within 7 calendar days of signing up.

If you’ve decided circle isn’t for you (or it’s just not the right time for you), you can cancel your membership through the course platform.

You won’t be billed for future payments, but there are no pro-rated refunds for unused time.

The Faculty Success Circle isn’t just about coworking; it’s about community.

We understand each other’s challenges because we’re all in the same boat. Plus, you get direct support from me (a certified coach) and other members.

Each hosted 90-minute session follows a similar structure.

~ 8-10 minutes sharing our goals for the session

~ 1hr 40min working (cameras on, mics off)

~ 10 minutes sharing our success

The coworking space is always open for members to get work done in community.

The hosted co-working times vary slightly by semester.

Plus, our 24/7 virtual coworking space is always open for you to use at your convenience.

Co-working Sessions

  • (almost) Daily 90 Minute sessions (hours vary by semester)
  • Always open coworking room


Weekly Office hours

  • 3-Hour block to connect via DM in telegram
  • Currently scheduled for Thursdays noon – 3 PM Central


Goal Setting and Success Tracking

  • Weekly Goal Setting process and forms
  • Implementation support with office hours, community discussions, and office hours
  • Weekly Goal Check-in Forms to track your progress

Still Have Questions?

I’m here to help! Reach out to Kimberly and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Join now and Get Started today!

Don’t let another week go by feeling overwhelmed and unproductive.

Join the Faculty Success Circle today and start making meaningful progress on your most important work.

Remember, we’re all in this together, and I can’t wait to see you succeed!

Looking for more comprehensive support in your faculty journey?

Check out my Individual Coaching Packages, which includes the Faculty Success Circle as a bonus feature along with additional resources to skyrocket your academic career!

Follow my proven Easy as P.I.E. System!